Evenings and nights out in clubs

You can authorize nights out to your daughter or son. But it is important to set rules to define boundaries. These boundaries bring safety: Rules and boundaries

You can make them sign an outing contract:

It is a contract between the teenager and both parents, or the legal representative. You can establish this contract starting at age 16-18. On this contract, write:

  • The types of alcohol they can drink, and the maximum amount
  • The curfew time and means of transportation
  • The punishments: what happens if they don’t respect the contract? Choose punishments you can apply. For example: less outings, less pocket money.

Remember to congratulate your daughter or your son if they respect the contract. Value good strategies.

You can authorize your teenager over the age of 18 to go out to bars or nightclubs. Yet you must know that drugs are present in these parties. For example, people do ecstasy,  MDMA,  ketamine or  cocaine. Your daughter or your son may want to try these drugs. They might be influenced by friends or the person who tries to sell it to them.

There are consumption rules. These are drug-related codes of conduct to abide by during nights out. These rules are well respected by users.

Transmit these pieces of advice to your daughter or to your son:

  • Use public transportations
  • Plan beforehand with whom and how you’re going home
  • Stay in groups
  • Drink enough water
  • Never leave your glass out of sight
  • Go to the bathroom with a trusted friend
  • Ask for help from bar employees or security agents in case of a problem.

Your young adult goes out to bars and nightclubs? Does he or she talk to you about drugs?

You want to know more about the different types of drugs, their effects and how they are used?

→ Visit the website of  Nuit blanche? It is a Genevan webpage and device appreciated by French-speaking Switzerland. Its purpose is to reduce the risks associated with drugs.

Your teenager tried drugs?

Teenagers want to know themselves and find out who they really are. They are often influenced.

They often try drugs just to do like their friends. Peer pressure lures them into trying. Teenagers are curious; they are looking for new experiences. In these cases, we talk about experimental use.

When drugs are used for pleasure and to have a good time, we talk about recreational use.

Some young people use drugs to forget their problems. You should worry if you realize that your teenager shows the following alarm signs:

  • Interior suffering
  • Bad company
  • Bad grades in school
  • Bad self-esteem
  • Sexual identity issue

 You know with whom they go out. If these friends give them good advice, want the best for them and support them in case of a problem, then you can feel reassured.
If, on the other hand, no one pays attention to him or her, or if someone has done him/her wrong: don’t wait. Open the dialogue with your teenager.

Talking about drugs with your teenager?

Around the age of 12, you can already give simple information.

Around the age of 16, it’s time to discuss drugs openly. One day, your child may encounter recreational drugs.

If you notice:

  • Behaviour changes
  • Bad grades
  • Absences in school
  • Runaways

Then you should say that you are worried. You should take the initiative. Talk about what you see, about what you feel. Talk using the pronoun “I”.

Regarding drugs, ask your teenager: have you ever heard about them? Maybe your friends told you about them, or do you have already tried it? Just as for alcohol, tobacco and cannabis, inform your teenager of the actual risks of drugs. Tell them that drugs are illegal. Explain the rules. Explain what can happen if they try. State clearly what you expect of them regarding consumption.

If it’s too hard to talk with your teenager, make sure they go to a doctor. Ask your doctor (or paediatrician) to talk to them about drugs and alcohol.

Early evening

Young people of age start their evening in a bar, in a park, in a square or at friends’ houses. These moments are very important to them. They help young people build their identity. These moments also meet certain needs: socialization, autonomy, learning and experimentation.

Attention! Studies show that if young people above the age of 18 drink alcohol at home before they leave, they drink more during the evening. Sometimes, they drink twice the amount of alcohol.

In clubs

Starting from the age of 18, certain young people love to go out to bars (or nightclubs). In these places, they discover new feelings, have fun and get loose. They also appreciate bars because they are dark and anonymous. The dance floor allows them to express themselves and have fun.

Generally speaking, they go out in a group that influences the way they’ll spend their evening. The group brings comfort and safety. To experiment pleasure, one must feel comfortable, confident and safe.

In bars or nightclubs, young people relax; they make contact easily, and, for a few hours, they forget everyday life, their studies and the rules imposed. They listen to nowadays music (techno, house, trap, bass, hip-hop) at high volumes. Young people go out in groups, but often dance alone. They are completely inhabited by the music. It’s sometimes a secondary state, a communion between body and mind.

Drugs are present in clubs. People do cocaine, ecstasy or cannabis to dance longer. One feels free, lighter, less tired, with feelings of escaping reality. Certain young people want to try drugs. They are very curious or attracted to this adult world. They want to test their limits and experience new things.

Safety rules during nights out

In the clubs or bars, people sell, exchange, do drugs, also called psychotropic substances. There are consumption rules. These are drug-related codes of conduct to abide by during nights out. These rules are well respected by party amateurs.

Give these basic pieces of advice to your daughter or to your son:

  • Go out using public transportations
  • Plan beforehand with whom and how you are going home
  • Stay in groups
  • Drink enough water
  • Never leave your glass out of sight
  • Go to the bathroom with a trusted friend
  • Ask help from bar employees or security agents in case of problems.