

My teenager’s starting to drink. I’m his parent and I don’t want to be lost. How do I do this? What is “too much”, “too often”, “at the wrong time”? Let’s pay attention to the signals so we can do the right thing.

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My teenager smells like tobacco. But does he smoke? How attracted is he to it? As a parent, I may smoke. Even so, I would like to warn him about the dangers of smoking. How do I do this?

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My teenage son smokes pot. There are a lot of ideas about this consumption: we should take stock of the situation! Getting informed is essential, so what are we talking about? And what if I smoke it myself?

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My teenager uses: a computer, a smartphone, a tablet, a TV… Screens everywhere! As a parent, this worries me. Should I let it happen? How can I have an impact on the situation?

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Video Games

My teenager finds his game exciting. Playing is fun: you can escape, relax and let off steam. But you’re concerned about his gambling. At what point does it become a problem? How and when to react?
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Social networks

My teenager is probably one of the 94% of young people on social networks. Tweeting, “like”, “following”… As a parent, it’s hard to understand what’s going on. Keeping informed is to be able to protect them.

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What’s my teenager living on? How can I understand each other and establish a dialogue? Do we agree? For me, it is important to remain a credible parent! I would like to set rules, limits and learn how to manage crises.

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Nightlife +18

My teenager’s going out for a party. What’s he gonna go through? Meeting friends, going out clubbing, getting to know new people. There may be drugs going around. How do I avoid problems? If he needs help, who can he turn to?

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Useful addresses

I have a lot of questions: how do I deal with my teenager’s abuse? Where can my adolescent get help? What are the signals I need to be aware of? I need answers.

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